3DMA also known as 3D Military Assets, originated from the idea of creating a small studio of artist that could satisfy the demand of tactical 3d models in the market.

Like many, we started creating free content on the steam workshop for the game Arma 3, the modification known as Alpha Group Equipment (AGE) was a great success reaching tens of thousands of subscribers. This success that we never expected gave us the motivation to keep creating the gear, weapons and characters that many wanted.

This project originated with the collaboration between Luca and Jota, while one created models the other one implemented them in the engine. And even tho they don't look as good as they do in modern PBR engines like Unreal or Unity, was and still is, a great experience to create your own assets and be able to play around with them in Arma.
Thanks to many different creators you can also find our assets in many games like Squad, Fallout 4, Day Z, GTA V and others.